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Salut (Hello) !

Vă oferim cea mai bună selecție de delicatese est-europene în Ottawa, selectate dintr-o duzină de țări.

De la multe feluri de dulceață românească si murături, avem și o selecție excelentă de mezeluri și salamuri, brânzeturi si conserve, pâine artizanală, perogii și pelmeni, ceaiuri și ciocolate decadente și multe alte articole unice importate din peste 20 de țări europene.

Micii de mai multe feluri, de porc sau mix, in vrac sau gata rulaţi pe tavă impreună cu muștarul specific Românesc sint excellenti pentru weekend sau mic-dejun, nu vă judecăm preferinţele.

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First opened by Alex and Val Rovt more than 25 years ago, Lakomka deli has since become a staple for eastern European ethnic foods in western Ottawa. Lakomka was quickly recognized for their authentic foods and wide selection. A particularly sought after product is Lakomka’s homemade Kapusta, which is made without any preservatives or chemicals, with completely organic ingredients. Acquired by new owners in the summer of 2022, Razie and Ileana have continued to offer these same services, having been taught by Alex and Val to keep bringing the same quality to all of their products and services. Lakomka continues to be a hotspot for our Kapusta, caviar, tasty snacks and drinks, and a wide selection of breads from all over eastern europe, including Lithuania, Estonia, and Ukraine. Come on over to experience the diverse tastes of Eastern Europe!


Call us to reserve your products or inquire about the availability or deliveries of fresh delis, artisan breads and more.

(613) 596-4666

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